Arduino IO Simulator Windows
Check The Features

You bought an Arduino, What now?
This Arduino Simulator is different from all the other simulators. If you don’t have components like sensors, LEDs..., then this program will simulate the components for you. You need a real Arduino board for testing your programs with your computer and just change some codes to work with the simulator components.
You can drag and drop the components in a worksheet and you can draw everything you want around it. It is also possible to load a background into the worksheet. You can also combine simulated inputs/outputs from the pc and real Arduino IO, now you have made a little HMI (Human Machine Interface).

Designed for people in hardware need!
The Arduino Simulator has been drastically changed the way you use a simulator. By communicating with the Arduino board we can simulate the IO on your screen. It's designed to optimally simulate your (IO) projects with a graphic aspect on top.
The Simulator has a lot of components that are available to test your projects, we have even been able to integrate more parts into this simulator than ever before. If you want a specific sensor then we can build this for you in our simulator.
We provided enough components so you can simulate your project or replace the missing parts with software ones. To make everything as easy as possible we created a library that allows users to simulate there project with just adding that library.
The Arduino Simulator has many well-known components built in that you can use for your simulations. The pro version has all the components from the free one plus the list below. Just drag the parts to the worksheet and you're done.
- Hall effect sensor
- RGB Led with RGB sliders)
- IR Remote Control
- 2 servo motors
- 14 LEDS
- 2 motors (left & right turning with PWM)
- 1 Barrier (servo)
- A DHT11 temperature sensor (temperature & humidity)
- PIR motion detector
- Motion detector (motion detection on webcam)
- Number keypad 16 digits (4x4)
- 2 Stepper motors 28 BYJ48 (ULN2003)
- 1 Stepper motor (A4988)
- FC-03 encoder
- 8 relais
- 6 potentiometers (sliders)

Drag & Drop
Drag the parts in place with our drag & drop system
The border of the component will turn red, this means that you can drag it into the drawing sheet. The top side and sometimes the component itself is used to reduce the component, this causes the settings to disappear so you get more space to use.

Draw and create your own simulation in a more realistic way
The simulator has got a big redesign and we added drawing tools as well. You can choose between various types of arrows, circles, rectangles, squares… in every color you want.
There is also a possibility to place texts in different fonts of your choice to make realistic simulations.

Easy to use library
Just add the library and you're good to go
In order to let the Simulator understand the code, we changed the libraries to be compatible with our simulator. To maintain the usability, we have decided to keep all the instructions as they are, you just have to add the simulator library and you're ready to simulate.
Simulate through serial or TCP
It is possible with the TCP server/client communication to simulate the IO with a ethernet shield or through WiFi connection. There are some thernet/Wifi boards that work with the simulator. You can use a Geekcreit W5100 wifi shield or the Arduino UNO Wifi rev2.
TCP simulation has the advantage that if the port forwarding is set correctly in the router you can operate the simulation from anywhere through the public IP address. Everything is explained in the user manual and support page.

Simulate the IO on your screen
Write your project in the Arduino IDE. Add the Simulator library and change the codes. Upload the code to the Arduino board. Select your inputs and outputs in the simulator. Simulate your project.
Use your creativity to make a realistic simulation of your project without having to connect the IO on the board. It's also possible to connect real IO and combine them with virtual IO.
This Simulator is built for beginners and creators
Test your code whenever you want
Whether you are building an Arduino project or just started working with Arduino, you can use this simulator to test your ideas without any electrical or almost no physical components. We have the most used parts available and we are still developing new parts along the way. You can use the simulator program in one of the 6 available languages and you have the option to use the program in your own custom language.

Software history
Version 1.5.5
- Added 2 stepper motors (ULN2003, A4988)
- Added new test example sketches
- Improvements on the language system
- Stepper motors can be used without a library
Version 1.5.4
- Added an 8-digits 7-segment display
- 2 new example sketches added
- Added the timestamp in the serial monitor
- Some components are relocated
- Added 3 extra sliders (potentiometers)
- Added 6 extra relais
- Small fixes in the TCP connection system
Version 1.5.3
- Implemented 6 languages to use in the program
- Implemented a way to add custom languages to the program
- Code optimizations
- Paint tools and Font chooser updated
- Reset Arduino bug fixed
- Added a FC-03 encoder component
- Added example sketches for the FC-03 component
- Information guide images updated
Version 1.5.2
- Fixed some issues with the serial monitor
- The entire serial communication redeveloped with buffer and new library (up to 4 times better)
- Code optimizations
- Resetting the LEDS when resetting the IO
- Load all libraries automatically to Arduino IDE by first startup
- Resetted the Rotary Encoder module when resetting
- Added 2 DOT 8x8 matrix display modules that work together with the MD_parola library
- Fixed some problems with the TCP connection
Version 1.5.1
- Load all libraries automatically to Arduino IDE by first startup
- Added Rotary Encoder module
- Added information about the Rotary Encoder module
Version 1.5
- Added hall effect sensor
- Added IR Remote Control with IR receiver, HEX, DEC code converter
- Redesigned Wheels, Relay, Servo, Motion sensor and DHT11 images
- Changed left-right option in Wheels to Forward-Reverse
- Optimized Simulator library (remove capital letter system)
- Added libraries instead of changed instructions (lcd.print -> lcdprint...)
- Added library installation system
- Small bugs fixed in the stepper motor
- Optimized all example sketches
- New color options for 7-segment display
- More IO window can be closed with menubar cross
- Removed unnecessary Arduino libraries in sketches
- Added new example sketches for Wheels, IR Remote, Hall effect, Keypad...
- Added Arduino UNO Board viewer with IO pins
- File saving system directory renamed
- Small changes in design
- Small bugs fixes and improvements
Version 1.4
- New functionallity to send emails with
- Small bugs fixed and code structure improved
Version 1.3
- New connection type added: TCP ethernet - WiFi connection
- New test sketches added
- Updater file permissions improved for 1.3
- Small bugs fixed and code improvements
Version 1.2.1
- LCD-display optimized
- Small bugs fixed
- 7-segment display pins changed (D0-6 -> D2-8)
Version 1.2
- Improvements in connection with the Arduino board
- Synchronization between Simulator and Arduino optimized
- Stepper motor 28 BYJ48 added with 2 and 4 coil support
- Serial monitor with search and send option
- In and outputs can use an analog pin as in- & output
- Serial communication optimized (speed x2)
- Buzzer works together with other components
- New example sketches for the stepper motor, serial monitor,...
- Internal fixes and improvements
Version 1.1
- Improvements in connection with Arduino board
- Synchronization between Simulator and Arduino optimizedh
- The double use of in-outputs improved
- LCD functionality optimized
- Little bugs in design and functionality solved
- Reset IO button added in the menu bar
- Option for constant sending value on the slider
- Restore files are updated
- New Arduino sketches added
- Menu bar adjusted
- RGB led and slider added
- Collapse and expand IO added in the menu bar
- New 'More IO' button added
- Connection break warning message added
- Numbers keypad design changed
- Save work pop-up before closing simulator